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Would you like to know more about booking a session with Spiritled Studios or ask us a question? We are looking forward to hearing from you and will be pleased to help.

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“A passion burns deep within me to perceive, capture and embrace each moment through the eyes of the Father,” says photographer Kelly Galiszewski. “If we could see ourselves as the Father perfectly sees us, our lives and the lives of those around us would be healed and radically changed. As a photographer, that is my heart’s desire: To empower each of our clients to see themselves through the lens of love, clarity, and acceptance. When you visit Spiritled Studios, our prayer is that you will enter into a place of peace, tranquility and even rest, as we capture who you are, in your truest form.”

“Look for the peace pocket.”  Kerri Johnson

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If we could see ourselves as the Father perfectly sees us, our lives and the lives of those around us would be healed & radically changed.